Independent Arbitrator
Former Member of the Paris Bar Council
- More than 30 years experience
- Arbitration, Legal advice, Litigation
- Languages : French, English
Maître Béatrice Castellane

Béatrice Castellane is an international arbitrator and former elected Member of the Paris Bar Council (2004-2007). Counsel to both French and foreign companies in business and investment cases, Béatrice acts as Counsel or Arbitrator in numerous cases relating to :
- Industrial matters
- Mining and raw materials
- Commercial distribution
- Construction
- Telecommunications
- Energy
- Aeronautics
- Maritime matters
- Agriculture
- Corporate
- Stakeholders disputes
- General trade
- Investment disputes.
Since 2008, she acts as an international arbitrator in cases involving parties in Europe, Africa, Asia and the United States. She is a member of several panels of arbitrators (including ICC, OHADA CCJA, KLRCA, CRCICA and HKIAC) and also arbitrates in ad hoc arbitrations in particular under the UNCITRAL rules. As of 31 December 2022, she has acted in over 100 cases, including 20 international arbitrations as sole arbitrator or president of the arbitral tribunal. As of the same date, she knows 68 countries (on 6 continents) in a professional or personal context. Béatrice is Chair of the ADR Arbitration Section of the Société de Législation comparée SLC (Society of comparative law).

Arbitration cases
Arbitral proceedings won (settlements included)
Known countries
Professional experience

As international arbitrator
You can rely on the scrupulous and confirmed respect of the fundamentals of the arbitrator profession:
- Independence
- Impartiality
- Expertise
- Professional conscience
- Ethics
- Diplomacy and courtesy
- Humanity
- Availability (especially to act as an Emergency Arbitrator)
- Proficiency
- Ability to understand the many parameters, both visible and underlying
- Skill, meticulousness and precision in the drafting of awards, whose motivation must be thorough and formulated in such a way as to be understood by all cultures, which is the guarantee of a fair and accepted decision.
As counsel
You can rely on the scrupulous respect of the fundamentals of the profession of senior counsel :
- Independence
- Strategy
- Agility
- Professional conscience and Ethics
- Availibility (especially to act in Emergency Arbitrations)
- Anticipation
- Imagination
- Deductive skills
- Adaptation
- Ability to analyze visible and underlying parameters
- Competence in the deepening and the meticulousness of the drafting of acts, correspondences, consultations, transactions of any nature with the permanent concern of convincing and reinforcing the defended position, the whole in a firm and diplomatic way.
Recent cases as an international arbitrator

Sole Arbitrator (ICC arbitration in English and French) in a dispute between an African company and a company from Middle East involving a State regarding a construction agreement.

President of an arbitral tribunal (ICC arbitration in English) in a dispute involving EU and North-American companies regarding Energy industry.

President of an arbitral tribunal (ICC arbitration in English) in a dispute involving two EU companies regarding the construction of a motorway in a FIDIC dispute.

President of an arbitral tribunal (ICC arbitration in English) in a dispute involving Cypriote and Italian companies regarding the termination of various sales contracts in the CISG framework.

Sole arbitrator (ad hoc arbitration, UNCITRAL rules) in a bilingual arbitration (French and English) involving a European company and an Emirate company regarding high-end fashion and textiles in an arbitration related to the use of IP rights and the production of clothing.

Sole arbitrator (ICC arbitration in English) in a dispute between Algerian and Swiss parties in a dispute involving the sale of steel.

Sole arbitrator (ICC arbitration in English) in a dispute involving EU and Russian companies regarding the quality and transport of agricultural products.

Sole arbitrator (ICC arbitration in English) in a dispute involving EU and Russian companies regarding the development of technical equipment for the manufacturing of industrial insulation.

President of an arbitral tribunal (ICC arbitration in French and English) in a dispute involving EU companies in a shareholder dispute.

Sole arbitrator (ICC arbitration in English) in a dispute involving EU parties involving the termination of a distribution agreement.

Sole arbitrator (ICC arbitration in English) in a dispute involving EU companies regarding the maintenance of airplanes.

Sole arbitrator (ICC arbitration in English) in a dispute involving American and European parties relating to the termination of an industrial distribution agreement.

Sole arbitrator (ICC arbitration in English) in a dispute involving Indian and Tanzanian parties (indirectly involving Chinese and Saudi Arabian entities) regarding the delivery of agricultural products.